September mood boards Looking at autumnal colours and taking inspiration from the season.
Haikus Students have been practising writing 'haikus' working towards achieving AQA units
Online stories. Pupils were treated to some online stories from our regular 'Read for Good' storyteller, Mike.
Card received We received this lovely card wishing us and the hospital staff well. Click for more details.
More PE at Home Table Tennis you can try at home. Link in the main content.
On line safety Please find a link to Thinkunow resources, just click on the heading.
PHONICS RWI Phonic sessions via you tube follow the link for times and details.
PE with Joe Wicks Due to self isolation why not join Joe and you can get some indoor exercise. Here's the link 9-9:30 Monday to Friday
THANK-YOU Thank you to everyone who supported a fundraising event at The Bridge Inn Topsham on Christmas day and raised £690 for the Hospital School.